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How to split screen on ipad air3 How to split screen on ipad air3

04-06-2020 Author 【Font:B M S

take the ios12 system as an example. open the ipad settings, tap general, and then tap multitasking. then select to open the three split-screen modes, and then you can split the screen. take the browser as an example, open the browser, slide from right to left with your finger, drag out a box, then click the upper bar to drag down, and finally click to find another app you want to open to complete the split screen.

ipad air3 how to split the screen operation method

ipad air3 how to split the screen operation method

take the ios12 system as an example.

1. open ipadair3 and click to enter the "settings" option.

2. after opening the setting interface, in the general column, click to enter the multi-task option.

3. in the multi-task interface, choose to open three split-screen modes according to your needs.

4. after the setting is successful, the multi-task split screen mode can be realized.

5. open one of the apps, take the browser as an example, and open the browser.

6. then slide your finger from right to left, you will drag out a box, and the last opened app will be opened by default.

7. then you can find the second app you want to open by clicking on the upper bar and dragging down so that you can run two apps on one screen.

ipad air3 how to split the screen operation method

the above is an introduction to how to split the screen operation method of ipad air3.

  • ipad air3
  • split screen
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