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The principle of snoring device What is the principle of snoring device to relieve snoring

04-06-2020 Author 【Font:B M S

due to the special design of the snoring blocker, the patient's jaw is limited to a proper anterior extension position, driving the tongue forward, so that the glossopharyngeal airway is unobstructed; due to the forward movement of the tongue, the compression of the tongue on the soft palate and the uvula is reduced, so that the airway in the palate-pharynx also becomes unobstructed. fitting the correct snoring blocker expands the airway, thereby increasing ventilation, greatly reducing snoring and improving sleep quality. therefore, wearing a snoring blocker in the mouth when sleeping can alleviate the symptoms of snoring in many people.

snoring blocker principle

why sleep snoring

snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are caused by partial or total obstruction of a part of the patient's upper airway. during sleep, the muscles around the upper respiratory tract relax, collapsing inwards to obstruct the air passage, making breathing difficult and causing vibrations in the organs, which produce snoring. if the airway is completely blocked, apnea occurs.

snoring blocker principle

how to use the snoring blocker

1. rinse the snoring blocker before going to bed, open your mouth, hold the left and right ends of the snoring blocker in your mouth, make the upper teeth embedded in the snoring blocker filler, and then close the lower jaw, you can go to bed and fall asleep.

2. when you just use the snoring blocker, there should be a process of adaptation, so wear the snoring blocker fifteen minutes before going to bed.

3. after the early stage, take out the snoring blocker, and then wash it with water and toothbrush, and put it in a cool and dry place for later.

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