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Shicheng specialty snacks What are the specialty snacks in Shicheng

05-06-2020 Author 【Font:B M S

shicheng special snacks include shicheng taro dumplings, shicheng handmade meatballs, yellow fins, shicheng meatballs, shicheng taro buns, chess pieces, fried cakes, and cup cakes.

stone city meatballs

shicheng special snacks

shicheng meatballs are a dish that will be prepared by hakka guests in shicheng area, in the traditional hakka banquet, meatballs and fish balls are very famous main dishes, and they are also one of the traditional specialties. shicheng's handmade meatballs are made from the best refined pork as raw materials, the meat is chopped, then broken, beaten into a meat paste, and finally kneaded into small balls, steamed.

stone city taro dumplings

shicheng special snacks

shicheng taro dumplings are very large, is a traditional flavor snack that shicheng people like very much, and generally ordinary rice bowls can only hold about 3. the taro dumplings are very elaborate, all handmade, using local sweet potato flour, the texture is delicate, soft, tender, thick and sticky. the resulting taro dumplings are not only delicious but also delicious, sticky and soft, smooth and delicious.

piece blocks

shicheng special snacks

chess pieces are a traditional dish of shicheng county in the su district of gannan province, and are very similar to braised pork and dongpo meat. the pieces are larger than the average braised pork, with a rosy color, full of color and flavor, and eaten with local potato flour meatballs. the pieces are made by traditional craftsmanship, the meat is fat but not greasy, lean but not chai, and the best pork belly is selected, which is one of the essential dishes for local festivals.

yellow fin

shicheng special snacks

yellow fin is made of large rice as a raw material, the rice is washed and filtered dry, mixed with alkali juice, and then steamed on the koshiki, poured into the stone mortar to rot. take it out and cut it flat on the table into cubes, cool it and store for later. there are three ways to eat huang fin, namely stir-fry, boil, mix, the taste is chewy, sprinkled with sugar and mixed with the taste is also very good, is one of the characteristics of shicheng.

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